Tuesday 19 November 2013

Welcome to Goal Zambia!

This photograph was taken in Chainda compound, Lusaka, Zambia, in the English summer of 2013. It is the girls football team of the Dynamic Stars Academy, with their coach and my friend, Kelly Mukuka. They call him Coach Mukuka and everybody in Chainda knows him as such. If he's not at the pitch when you get there, somebody will know where he is and one of the children of the village will run off between the houses to find him. He will invariably come.

This is a new blog. It's about Zambia but I haven't got enough time right now to tell you much more. I have to go on the radio tomorrow and i'm a little nervous. I should perhaps give it some thought. The radio girl told me on the phone that the radio man would just have a chat with me about the work I was doing in Zambia. It would be just like a conversation and may have already been and gone by the time you read this. It should be fun so we will see what happens.

This blog is exciting but I don't know what form it will take or what rules it will follow. We will see what happens here to. I want it to give the viewer an idea of what we doing, where and with whom, in Zambia and what we want to achieve and what i am doing now in the UK as a part of that.
I imagine that it will contain more photographs and stories. It may have a song and some films, I don't know. At present it is a work in progress and in a way it would be good if it sort of stays that way, I suppose, in that the blog will evolve as time passes. I hope to depict the children and young adults of the academy, the community of Chainda and the place itself.

I had a significant email today from my friend Kelly. I managed to send him a laptop for the academy and he has raised some money to buy an internet dongle. This was the first email he has sent with the new computer and the email made me smile.

At present it is a work in progress and in a way it would be good if it sort of stays that way, I suppose, in that it will evolve as time passes. I hope to depict the people and the place.

All this blog stuff is new to me. I haven't done anything like this before. I'm not sure if there is an etiquette to follow or tricks of the trade to learn. There could be endless possibilities to do this and that so I will play around with it and find out. It's exciting. This is the first real Post and I considered changing the picture, although on immediate reflection I  won't because i've just written about the one above of the lasses in the team shot. I have a lot of pictures to choose from so i'll save that for another day.

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